Full code at the bottom of the tutorial if you would like to copy!

Tutorial: implement a YouTube Video in a vid!

This is a very short and simple tutorial. Let's start!

First you have to make a div where you are going to put the video in

We are going to use an frame to link a video wich can we opened via internet. We are going to make it so that we can watch the video in fullscreen with the allow fullscreen fucntion. You can also link videos without intrnet needed but then you will need to donwload the full video, wich is in my opinion not that handy. However if you would like to , the only diffrence is that that you will have to download the video, put in a a Video map and then link it in html to that map/videoname.format(of the video)

After this we can close the div and start with the styling of the div. there is 1 importent thing tht you need to do in the css file, the position relative of the div. After this you could make the div as crazy as you want with colors and many other things...

Once you've done this you would get something like this!

The styling is completly up to you! I made 3 red divs and made them all red with the position showed in the screenshot!

html CODE